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Institute for Hygiene and Applied Immunology

Mission Statement

The Institute for Hygiene and Applied Immunology as a part of the Center for Pathophysiology, Infectiology and Immunology is an interdisciplinary facility of the Medical University of Vienna, which was founded from the Institute for Hygiene and the Department for Molecular Immunology.

Our Goal: The comprehensive prevention of diseases through

  • Application of hygiene measures and prevention of infections
  • The effectivity of disinfectants and disinfecting procedures, as well as their improvement
  • Understanding the molecular processes of a body’s natural prevention systems, namely the immune system

The institute aims to recombine the knowledge and techniques of all experts working in its various sub-groups (antigen recognition, medical-technical hygiene, molecular immunology, water hygiene and water microbiology and ticks and tick-associated microorganisms) to develop and introduce hygiene measures immunomodulating agents to create a base for novel substances for the treatment of infections, as well as immunological diseases like autoimmune diseases and allergies.

The Cluster of Excellence

As part of the excellence initative "excellent=austria" cooperative projects are being conducted at eleven locations. This initiative is funded by the Austrian Science Fund FWF, which provides a total amount of 135 Million Euros to foster cutting-edge research regarding future-oriented topics. This amount of funds has never been invested into projects of basic research before in Austria.

For each cluster teams of more than 100 scientists cooperate for at least five years across institutions.

For the topic "Microbiomes Drive Planetary Health", 30 scientists of different fields and seven facilities work together to uncover the significance of microbial communities for the Earth's health and its resident species, while populating all ecosystems and larger organisms.


Furthermore, the institute houses the accredited testing and inspection center API Hygiene Vienna, which is run by the research groups Water Hygiene and Medical-technical Hygiene and adds to our range of services.