The general material used for the medical curriculum in Vienna can be found on the MedUni Homepage. Employees of the institute participate in teaching in the following course blocks:
800.000 Senior Mentoring (SE)
- Miranda Suchomel
802.000 VO BL 4 - Functional Systems and Biological Regulation. (Learning Materials can be found online as a scriptum, as well as a PowerPoint presentation and the corresponding text.
803.002 VO BL 8 - Disease, Origin and Symptoms (The scriptum can be found in the block book, as well as PowerPoint presentation.) - Hannes Stockinger
803.003 SE/PR BL 8 - Disease, Origin and Symptoms
- Hannes Stockinger
803.005 SE/PR BL 9 - Disease, Manifestation & Perception. General Pharmacotherapy
- Mateusz Markowicz, Miranda Suchomel: Spezielle Bakteriologie und Mykologie