Kreuter, J., Bica-Schröder, K., Pálvölgyi, A.M., Krska, R., Sommer, R., Farnleitner, A.H., Kolm, C., Reischer, G.H. (2024) A novel Ionic Liquid-based Approach for DNA and RNA Extraction simplifying Sample Preparation for Bacterial Diagnostics. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 416(29), pp. 7109-7120,
Steinbacher S.D., Ameen A., Demeter K., Lun D., Derx J., Lindner G., Sommer R., Linke R.B., Kolm C., Zuser K., Heckel M., Perschl A., Blöschl G., Blaschke A.P., Kirschner AKT, Farnleitner A.H. (2024) Assessing the impact of inland navigation on the faecal pollution status of large rivers: A novel integrated field approach. Water Research 261, 122029,
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Liu, M., Saracevic, E., Kittlaus, S., Oudega, T., Obeid, A., Nagy-Kovács, Z., László, B., Krlovic, N., Saracevic, Z., Lindner, G., Rab, G., Derx, J., Zoboli, O. and Zessner, M. (2023) PFAS-Belastungen im Einzugsgebiet der oberen Donau. Österreichische Wasser-und Abfallwirtschaft, 1-12,
Obeid, A.A., Oudega, T.J., Zoboli, O., Gundacker, C., Blaschke, A.P., Zessner, M., Saracevic, E., Devau, N., Stevenson, M.E., Krlovic, N., Liu, M., Nagy-Kovács, Z., László, B., Sommer, R., Lindner, G. and Derx, J. (2023) The occurrence and persistence of PFAS at riverbank filtration sites in the Upper Danube basin. Österreichische Wasser-und Abfallwirtschaft, 1-11,
Derx, J., Müller-Thomy, H., Kılıç, H.S., Cervero-Arago, S., Linke, R., Lindner, G., Walochnik, J., Sommer, R., Komma, J., Farnleitner, A.H., Blaschke, A.P.: A probabilistic-deterministic approach for assessing climate change effects on infection risks downstream of sewage emissions from CSOs (2023) Water Research, 247, art. no. 120746 DOI: 10.1016/j.watres.2023.120746
Demeter, K., Linke, R., Balleste, E., Reischer, G., Mayer, R.E., Vierheilig, J., Kolm, C., Stevenson, M.E., Derx, J., Kirschner, A.K.T., Sommer, R., Shanks, O.C., Blanch, A.R., Rose, J.B., Ahmed, W., Farnleitner, A.H. Have genetic targets for faecal pollution diagnostics and source tracking revolutionized water quality analysis yet? (2023) FEMS Microbiology Reviews, 47 (4) DOI: 10.1093/femsre/fuad028
Derx, J., Kılıç, H.S., Linke, R., Cervero-Aragó, S., Frick, C., Schijven, J., Kirschner, A.K.T., Lindner, G., Walochnik, J., Stalder, G., Sommer, R., Saracevic, E., Zessner, M., Blaschke, A.P., Farnleitner, A.H. Probabilistic fecal pollution source profiling and microbial source tracking for an urban river catchment (2023) Science of the Total Environment, 857 DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.159533
Schmalwieser, A.W., Hirschmann, G., Eggers, J. and Sommer, R. (2022) A standardized method to measure the longitudinal UV emittance of low-pressure-lamps in dependence of water temperature. Water Supply (2022) 22 (1): 900–916:
Oudega, T.J., Lindner, G., Sommer, R., Farnleitner, A.H., Kerber, G., Derx, J., Stevenson, M.E., Blaschke, A.P. Transport and removal of spores of Bacillus subtilis in an alluvial gravel aquifer at varying flow rates and implications for setback distances (2022) Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 251, DOI: 10.1016/j.jconhyd.2022.104080
Derx, J., Demeter, K., Linke, R., Cervero-Aragó, S., Lindner, G., Stalder, G., Schijven, J., Sommer, R., Walochnik, J., Kirschner, A.K.T., Komma, J., Blaschke, A.P., Farnleitner, A.H. Corrigendum: Genetic microbial source tracking support QMRA modeling for a riverine wetland drinking water resource (Front. Microbiol., (2021), 12, 668778, 10.3389/fmicb.2021.668778) (2022) Frontiers in Microbiology, 13 DOI: 10.3389/fmicb.2022.973379
Derx, J., Linke, R., Savio, D., Emelko, M., Schmidt, P., Schijven, J., Pang, L., Sommer, R., Stevenson, M., van den Berg, H., Rutjes, S., Farnleitner, A.H., Blaschke, A.P. From Groundwater to Drinking Water – Current Approaches for Microbial Monitoring and Risk Assessment in Porous Aquifers (2022) Encyclopedia of Inland Waters, Second Edition, 3, pp. 580-594. DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-819166-8.00175-4
Savio, D., Derx, J., Lang, R.-P., Kirschner, A.K.T., Sommer, R., Blaschke, A.P., Küsel, K., Farnleitner, A.H. From Groundwater to Drinking Water—Microbiology of Karstic Water Resources (2022) Encyclopedia of Inland Waters, Second Edition, 3, pp. 560-579. DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-819166-8.00181-X
Derx J, Komma J, Reiner P, Vierheilig J, Savio D, Sommer R, Kirschner AKT, Frick C, Linke R, Farnleitner AH, Blaschke AP (2021) Using hydrodynamic and hydraulicmodelling to study
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CERVERO-ARAGÓ, S., DESVARS-LARRIVE, A., LINDNER, G., SOMMER, R., HÄFELI, I. and WALOCHNIK, J., 2021. Surface waters and urban brown rats as potential sources of human-infective Cryptosporidium and Giardia in Vienna, Austria. Microorganisms, 9(8).
DERX, J., DEMETER, K., LINKE, R., CERVERO-ARAGÓ, S., LINDNER, G., STALDER, G., SCHIJVEN, J., SOMMER, R., WALOCHNIK, J., KIRSCHNER, A.K.T., KOMMA, J., BLASCHKE, A.P. and FARNLEITNER, A.H., 2021. Genetic Microbial Source Tracking Support QMRA Modeling for a Riverine Wetland Drinking Water Resource. Frontiers in Microbiology, 12.
OUDEGA, T.J., LINDNER, G., DERX, J., FARNLEITNER, A.H., SOMMER, R., BLASCHKE, A.P. and STEVENSON, M.E., 2021. Upscaling Transport of Bacillus subtilis Endospores and Coliphage PHI X 174 in Heterogeneous Porous Media from the Column to the Field Scale. Environmental Science and Technology.
LINKE, R.B., ZEKI, S., MAYER, R., KEIBLINGER, K., SAVIO, D., KIRSCHNER, A.K.T., REISCHER, G.H., MACH, R.L., SOMMER, R. and FARNLEITNER, A.H., 2021. Identifying Inorganic Turbidity in Water Samples as Potential Loss Factor During Nucleic Acid Extraction: Implications for Molecular Fecal Pollution Diagnostics and Source Tracking. Frontiers in Microbiology, 12.
DEMETER, K., DERX, J., KOMMA, J., PARAJKA, J., SCHIJVEN, J., SOMMER, R., CERVERO-ARAGÓ, S., LINDNER, G., ZOUFAL-HRUZA, C.M., LINKE, R., SAVIO, D., IXENMAIER, S.K., KIRSCHNER, A.K.T., KROMP, H., BLASCHKE, A.P. and FARNLEITNER, A.H., 2021. Modelling the interplay of future changes and wastewater management measures on the microbiological river water quality considering safe drinking water production. Science of the Total Environment, 768.
FRICK, C., VIERHEILIG, J., NADIOTIS-TSAKA, T., IXENMAIER, S., LINKE, R., REISCHER, G.H., KOMMA, J., KIRSCHNER, A.K.T., MACH, R.L., SAVIO, D., SEIDL, D., BLASCHKE, A.P., SOMMER, R., DERX, J. and FARNLEITNER, A.H., 2020. Elucidating fecal pollution patterns in alluvial water resources by linking standard fecal indicator bacteria to river connectivity and genetic microbial source tracking. Water research, 184.
KOLM, C., CERVENKA, I., ASCHL, U.J., BAUMANN, N., JAKWERTH, S., KRSKA, R., MACH, R.L., SOMMER, R., DEROSA, M.C., KIRSCHNER, A.K.T., FARNLEITNER, A.H. and REISCHER, G.H., 2020. DNA aptamers against bacterial cells can be efficiently selected by a SELEX process using state-of-the art qPCR and ultra-deep sequencing. Scientific Reports, 10(1)
Balleste E, Belanche-Munoz LA, Farnleitner AH, Linke R, Sommer R, Santos R, Monteiro S, Maunula L, Oristo S, Tiehm A, Stange C, Blanch A (2020) Improving the identification of the source of faecal pollution in water using a modelling approach: From multi-source to aged and diluted samples. Water Research 171,115 392
Halabi M, Sommer R, Sorger A (2019) Wasserhygiene in Gesundheitseinrichtungen - Das Praxishandbuch für den Umgang mit Wasser in Krankenanstalten, Pflegeheimen und anderen Einrichtungen des Gesundheitswesens. 2. aktualisierte Auflage, Verlag: Austrian Standards, ISBN 978-3-85402-385-2
Farnleitner AH, Savio D, Sommer R, Reischer GH, Kirschner AKT, Zerobin W and Stadler H. (2019) Integrated strategy to guide health-related microbial quality management at alpine karstic drinking water resources. In: B. White (editor) Karst, Groundwater Contamination, & Public Health: Moving Beyond Case Studies; Springer Book Series, New York, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-51070-5_20
Linke R, Stadler P, Reischer GH, Savio D, Kollanur D, Mayer R, Mach RL, Kirschner AKT, Sommer R, Derx J, Stadler H, Farnleitner AH (2019) Title: Using genetic microbial source tracking (MST) markers to identify fecal pollution sources in spring water of a large alpine karst catchment. In: Rose JB, Jimenez-Cisneros (eds) Global Water Pathogen Project. Michigan State University, E. Lansing, MI, UNESCO.
Martzy R, Bica-Schröder K, Pálvölgyi ÁM, Kolm C, Jakwerth S, Kirschner AKT, Sommer R, Krska R, Mach RL, Farnleitner AH, Reischer GH. (2019) Simple lysis of bacterial cells for DNA-based diagnostics using hydrophilic ionic liquids. Sci Rep 2019;9(1).
Sommer R, Blaschke AP, Holzhammer E, Cervero-Arago S, Lindner G, Haider Th und Farnleitner A (2019) Hygienische Anforderungen für die Einleitung von Kläranlagenabläufen in Badegewässer. Wiener Mitteilungen, 249, 209-228 ISBN 978-3-85234-144-6 ISSN 0279-5349
Cervero-Aragó S, Schrammel B, Dietersdorfer E, Sommer R, Lück C, Walochnik J, Kirschner A. (2019) Viability and infectivity of viable but nonculturable Legionella pneumophila strains induced at high temperatures. Water Res., 158: 268–279. doi:10.1016/j.watres.2019.04.009
van Driezum, I.H., Derx, J., Oudega, T.J., Zessner, M., Naus, F.L., Saracevic, E., Kirschner, A.K.T., Sommer, R., Farnleitner, A.H., Blaschke, A.P. (2019) Spatiotemporal resolved sampling for the interpretation of micropollutant removal during riverbank filtration Science of the Total Environment, 649, pp. 212-223.
Thalhammer F, Wenisch C, Allerberger F, Apfalter P, Assadian O, Gattringer R, Grisold A, Idzko M, Karnthaler U, Lass-Flörl C, Schmid D, Sommer R, Weiss G, Zmill J (2018) Legionellen-Pneumonie – Consensus Statement. Medical Dialoge 2018/9: 1-12
Hatvani IG, Kirschner AKT, Farnleitner AH, Tanos P, Herzig A (2018) Hotspots and main drivers of fecal pollution in Neusiedler See, a large shallow lake in Central Europe. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, in press; doi: 10.1007/s11356-018-2783-7
Schrammel B, Cervero-Arago S, Petzold M, Sommer R, Lück C, Kirschner AKT (2018) Persistent presence of virulence-related outer membrane epitopes during short- and long-term starvation of five Legionella pneumophila strains. BMC Microbiology, in press
Kirschner AKT, Hirk S, Jakwerth S, Rehak S, Farnleitner AH, Huhulescu S, Indra A (2018) Application of three different methods to determine the prevalence, the abundance and the environmental drivers of culturable Vibrio cholerae in fresh and brackish bathing waters. Journal of Applied Microbiology, in press; doi: 10.1111/jam.13940
Frick C, Vierheilig J, Linke R, Savio D, Zornig H, Antensteiner R, Baumgartner C, Bucher C, Blaschke AP, Derx J, Kirschner AKT, Ryzinska-Paier G, Mayer R, Seidl D, Nadiotis-Tsaka T, Sommer R, Farnleitner AH (2018) Poikilothermic animals as a previously unrecognized source of fecal indicator bacteria in a backwater ecosystem of a large river. Applied Environmental Microbiology, in press; doi: 10.1128/AEM00715-18
Sommer R. (2018) Pseudomonas aeruginosa - hygienische Relevanz in Trinkwasser. FORUM GAS WASSER WÄRME 2/2018: 25-27
Mayer RE, Reischer G, Ixenmaier SK, Derx J, Blaschke AP, Ebdon JE, Linke R, Egle L, Ahmed W, Blanch A, Byamukama D, Savill M, Mushi D, Cristóbal HA, Edge TA, Schade MA, Aslan A, Brooks YM, Sommer R, Masago Y, Sato MIZ, Taylor HD, Rose JB, Wuertz S, Shanks OC, Piringer H, Savio D, Mach RL, Zessner M, Farnleitner AH (2018) Global Distribution of Human-associated Fecal Genetic Markers in Reference Samples from Six Continents. Environ Sci Technol 52:5076-5084
Schrammel B, Cervero-Arago S, Dietersdorfer E, Walochnik J, Lück C, Sommer R, Kirschner AKT (2018) Differential development of Legionella sub-populations during short- and long-term starvation. Water Research 141: 417- 427
Farnleitner AH, Savio D, Sommer R, Reischer GH, Kirschner AKT, Zerobin W, Stadler H (2018) Integrated strategy to guide health-related microbial quality management at alpine karstic drinking water resources. In: White WB et al (eds) Karst Groundwater Contamination and Public Health, Advances in Karst Science. 185-192; Springer international publishing; doi 10.1007/978-3-319-51070-5_20
Mayer RE, Karl M, Linke R, Kirschner AKT, Reischer GH, Sommer R, Zessner M, Savio D, Farnleitner AH (2018) Analytik fäkaler mikrobiologischer Verunreinigungen im Zeitalter der molekularbiologischen Diagnostik. Wiener Mitteilungen 247:47-54
Bliem R, Reischer GH, Linke R, Farnleitner AH & Kirschner AKT (2018) Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Vibrio cholerae in Turbid Alkaline Lakes as Determined by Quantitative PCR. Applied and Environmental Microbiology - in press
Savio D, Stadler P, Reischer GH, Kirschner AKT, Demeter K, Linke R, Blaschke AP, Sommer R, Szewzyk U, Wilhartitz IC, Mach RL, Stadler H, Farnleitner AH (2018) Opening the black box of spring water microbiology from alpine karst aquifers to support proactive drinking water resource management. Wileys Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water 5:e1282.
van Driezum IH, Chik AHS, Jakwerth S, Lindner G, Farnleitner AH, Sommer R, Blaschke AP, Kirschner AKT (2018) Spatiotemporal analysis of bacterial biomass and activity to understand surface and groundwater interactions in a highly dynamic riverbank filtration system. Science of the Total Environment, Volume 627, 15 June 2018, Pages 450–461
Dietersdorfer E, Kirschner AKT, Schrammel B, Ohradanova-Repic A, Stockinger H, Sommer R, Walochnik J, Cervero-Aragó S (2018) Starved viable but non-culturable (VBNC) Legionella strains can infect and replicate in amoebae and human macrophages. Water Research 141: 428-438
Kittinger C, Kirschner A, Lipp M, Baumert R, Mascher F, Farnleitner AH, Zarfel GE (2018) Antibiotic Resistance of Acinetobacter spp. Isolates from the River Danube: Susceptibility Stays High. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 15(1); doi: 10.3390/ijerph15010052
Zibuschka F, Kirschner AKT, Frick C, Lindner G, Lendenfeld T, Vogl W, Schauer U, Farnleitner AH (2017) Mikrobiologie und Wasser. Teil 1: Übersicht zu den methodischen Möglichkeiten der Analyse; ÖWAV-Arbeitsbehelf 52, Österreichischer Wasser und Abfallwirtschaftsverband, Wien, Österreich
Van Driezum IH, Derx J , Saracevic E, Kirschner AKT, Sommer R, Farnleitner AH, Blaschke AP (2017) Does Pumping Volume Affect the Concentration of Micropollutants in Groundwater Samples? Groundwater: Monitoring and Remediation. doi: 10.1111/gwmr.12239
Frick C, Zoufal W, Zoufal-Hruza C, Kirschner AKT, Seidl D, Derx J, Sommer R, Blaschke AP, Nadiotis-Tsaka T, Farnleitner AH (2017) The microbiological water quality of Vienna’s River Danube section and its associated water bodies. Österr Wasser- und Abfallw 69:76–88
Schmalwieser AW, Hirschmann G, Cabaj A, & Sommer R (2017) Method to determine the power efficiency of UV disinfection plants and its application to low pressure plants for drinking water. Water Science and Technology: Water Supply, 17(4)
Kolm C, Martzy R, Brunner K, Mach R, Krska R, Heinze G, Sommer R, Reischer G, Farnleitner AH (2017) A complementary isothermal amplification method to the US EPA qPCR approach for the detection of enterococci in environmental waters. Environ Sci Technol. 2017 51:7028-7035
Martzy R, Kolm C, Brunner K, Mach RL, Krska R, Sommer R, Farnleitner AH, Reischer GH (2017) A loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) assay for the rapid detection of Enterococcus spp. in water. Water Research 122 (2017) 62-69
Kirschner AKT, Reischer GH, Jakwerth S, Savio D, Ixenmaier S, Toth E, Sommer R, Mach RL, Linke R, Eiler A, Kolarevic S & Farnleitner AH (2017) Multiparametric monitoring of microbial faecal pollution reveals the dominance of human contamination along the whole Danube River. Water Research 124 (2017) 543-555
Pretzer C, Druzhinina IS, Amaro C, Benediktsdóttir E, Hedenström I, Hervio-Heath D, Huhulescu S, Schets FM, Farnleitner AH, Kirschner AKT (2017) High genetic diversity of Vibrio cholerae in the European lake Neusiedler See is associated with intensive recombination in the reed habitat and the long-distance transfer of strains. Environ Microbiol. 19(1): 328-344
Kittinger C, Lipp M, Folli B, Kirschner A, Baumert R, Galler H, Grisold AJ, Luxner J, Weissenbacher M, Farnleitner AH, Zarfel G (2016) Enterobacteriaceae Isolated from the River Danube: Antibiotic Resistances, with a Focus on the Presence of ESBL and Carbapenemases. PLoS One 11(11): e0165820
Frick C, Zoufal W, Zoufal-Hruza C, Kirschner AKT, Seidl D, Derx J, Sommer R, Blaschke AP, Nadiotis-Tsaka T, Farnleitner AH (2016) The microbiological water quality of Vienna’s River Danube section and its associated water bodies. Österr Wasser- und Abfallwirtschaft 10.1007/s00506-016-0349-9
Blatchley ER, Oguma K, Sommer R (2016) Comment on ‘UV Disinfection Induces a VBNC State in Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa’: IUVA News 18 (3): 12-16
Stadler P, Blöschl G, Vogl W, Koschelnik J, Epp M, Lackner M, Oismüller M, Kumpan M, Nemeth L, Strauss P, Sommer R, Ryzinska-Paier G, Farnleitner AH, Zessner M (2016) Real-time monitoring of beta-D-glucuronidase activity in sediment laden streams: A comparison of prototypes. Water Research 101: 252-261
Guerrero-Latorre L, Gonzales-Gustavson E, Hundesa A, Sommer R, Girones R (2016) UV disinfection and flocculation-chlorination sachets to reduce hepatitis E virus in drinking water. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health, doi:10.1016/j.ijheh.2016.04.002
Derx J, Schijven J, Sommer R, Zoufal-Hruza CM, van Driezum IH, Reischer G, Ixenmaier S, Kirschner A, Frick C, de Roda Husman AM, Farnleitner AH, Blaschke AP (2016) QMRAcatch: Human-associated faecal pollution and infection risk modelling for a river/floodplain environment. Journal of Environmental Quality 45, 1205-1214, doi:10.2134/jeq2015.11.0560
Kirschner AKT (2016) Determination of viable legionellae in engineered water systems: Do we find what we are looking for? Water Research 93: 276-288
Kittinger C, Lipp M, Baumert R, Folli B, Koraimann G, Toplitsch D, Liebmann A, Grisold AJ, Farnleitner AH, Kirschner AKT, Zarfel G (2016). Antibiotic resistance patterns of Pseudomonas spp. isolated from the River Danube. Front. Microbiol. 7: 586
Velimirov B, Lejeune P, Kirschner AKT, Jousseaume M, Abadie A, Pête D, Dauby P, Richir J, Gobert S (2016) Estimating carbon fluxes in a Posidonia oceanica system: Paradox of the bacterial carbon demand. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 171, 23-34
Dietersdorfer E, Cervero-Aragó S, Sommer R, Kirschner AKT, Walochnik J (2016) Optimized methods for L. pneumophila release from its Acanthamoeba hosts. BMC Microbiology, in press
Mayer R, Bofill-Mas S, Egle L, Reischer G, Schade M, Fernandez-Cassi X, Fuchs W, Mach R, Lindner G, Kirschner A, Gaisbauer M, Piringer H, Blaschke AP, Girones R, Zessner M, Sommer R, Farnleitner A (2016) Occurrence of human-associated Bacteroidetes genetic source tracking markers in raw and treated wastewater of municipal and domestic origin and comparison to standard and alternative indicators of faecal pollution. Water Research 90: 265–276
Cervero-Aragó S, Rodríguez-Martínez S, Puertas-Bennasar A, Araujo RM (2015) Effect of Common Drinking Water Disinfectants, Chlorine and Heat, on Free Legionella and Amoebae-Associated Legionella. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0134726
Farnleitner AH und Sommer R (2015) Wasserqualität und Gesundheit: zukünftige Herausforderungen? Schriftenreihe ÖWAV, Heft 170, „Zukunft denken“ – Wasserwirtschaft 2035, ISBN 978-3-902978-46-2
Schmalwieser AW, Cabaj A, Hirschmann G, Sommer R (2015) Ten-year monitoring of an ultraviolet disinfection plant for drinking water Journal of Environmental Engineering and Science 10(2), 34–39.
Kirschner A, Jakwerth S, Kolarevic S, Sommer R, Blaschke AP, Kavka G, Reischer GH & Farnleitner AH (2015) Bacterial Faecal Indicators. In: Liska I, Wagner F, Sengl M, Deutsch K, Slobodnik J (ed.) Joint Danube Survey 3 - A comprehensive Analysis of Danube Water Quality, Final scientific report. ICPDR, Vienna, Austria, ISBN 978-3-200-03795-3
Reischer GH, Kirschner A, Schnitzer G, Savio D, Mach RL, Bahlmann A, Schulze T, Brack W & Farnleitner AH (2015) Microbial Faecal Source Tracking. In: Liska I, Wagner F, Sengl M, Deutsch K, Slobodnik J (ed.) Joint Danube Survey 3 - A comprehensive Analysis of Danube Water Quality, Final scientific report. ICPDR, Vienna, Austria, ISBN 978-3-200-03795-3
Zarfel G, Folli B, Lipp M, Pfeifer B, Baumert R, Farnleitner AH, Kirschner A & Kittinger C (2015) Spread of non-wild type antibiotic resistant phenotypes in the river Danube. In: Liska I, Wagner F, Sengl M, Deutsch K, Slobodnik J (ed.) Joint Danube Survey 3 - A comprehensive Analysis of Danube Water Quality, Final scientific report. ICPDR, Vienna, Austria, ISBN 978-3-200-03795-3
Kirschner A, Jakwerth S, Kolarevic S, Premm B, Reischer GH & Farnleitner AH (2015) Microbial Ecology. In: Liska I, Wagner F, Sengl M, Deutsch K, Slobodnik J (ed.) Joint Danube Survey 3 - A comprehensive Analysis of Danube Water Quality, Final scientific report. ICPDR, Vienna, Austria, ISBN 978-3-200-03795-3
Lettieri T, Ferrero V, Duque L, Lahm A, Kirschner A, Farnleitner AH & Carvalho RN (2015) Microbial Metagenomics. In: Liska I, Wagner F, Sengl M, Deutsch K, Slobodnik J (ed.) Joint Danube Survey 3 - A comprehensive Analysis of Danube Water Quality, Final scientific report. ICPDR, Vienna, Austria, ISBN 978-3-200-03795-3
Yeh TC, Bondar-Kunze E, Tomas D, Kirschner A, Marjanovic-Rajcic M, Welti N & Hein T (2015) Quality and quantity of dissolved organic matter. In: Liska I, Wagner F, Sengl M, Deutsch K, Slobodnik J (ed.) Joint Danube Survey 3 - A comprehensive Analysis of Danube Water Quality, Final scientific report. ICPDR, Vienna, Austria, ISBN 978-3-200-03795-3
Bahlmann A, Lochen T, Schulze T, Kirschner A, Brack W, Schneider RJ, Krauss M (2015) Chemical and immunochemical analysis of anthropogenic markers and organic contaminants. In: Liska I, Wagner F, Sengl M, Deutsch K, Slobodnik J (ed.) Joint Danube Survey 3 - A comprehensive Analysis of Danube Water Quality, Final scientific report. ICPDR, Vienna, Austria, ISBN 978-3-200-03795-3
Stevenson ME, Sommer R, Lindner G, Farnleitner AH, Toze S, Kirschner AKT, Blaschke AP, Sidhu JPS (2015) Attachment and Detachment Behavior of Human Adenovirus and Surrogates in Fine Granular Limestone Aquifer Material. Journal of Environmental Quality (doi:10.2134/jeq2015.01.0052)
Mayer RE, Vierheilig J, Egle L, Reischer GH, Saracevic E, Mach RL, Kirschner AKT, Zessner M, Sommer R, Farnleitner AH. Automated Sampling Procedures Supported by High Persistence of Bacterial Fecal Indicators and Bacteroidetes Genetic Microbial Source Tracking Markers in Municipal Wastewater during Short-Term Storage at 5°C. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 81(15): 5134-5143 (2015)
Le Roux F, Wegner M, Baker-Austin C, Vezzulli L, Osorio CR, Amaro C, Ritchie J, Defoirdt T, Destoumieux-Garzon D, Blokesch M, Mazel D, Jacq A, Cava F, Gram L, Wendling C, Strauch E, Kirschner A, Huehn S. The Emergence of Vibrio pathogens in Europe: Ecology, Evolution and Pathogenesis (Paris, 11-12 March 2015). Frontiers in Microbiology 6/830: 1-8
Kittinger C, Baumert R, Folli B, Lipp M, Liebmann A, Kirschner A, Farnleitner AH, Grisold AJ and Zarfel GE. Preliminary Toxicological Evaluation of the River Danube Using in Vitro Bioassays. Water-SUI 7, 1959-1968 (2015)
Savio D, Sinclair L, Ijaz U, Parajka J, Reischer G, Stadler P, Blaschke AP, Bloeschl G, Mach R, Kirschner A, Farnleitner AH, Eiler A. Bacterial diversity along a 2600 km river continuum. Environmental Microbiology 17(12): 4994-5007. DOI:10.1111/1462-2920.12886 (2015)
Schauer S, Jakwerth S, Bliem R, Baudart J, Lebaron P, Huhulescu S, Kundi M, Herzig A, Farnleitner AH, Sommer R, Kirschner A. Dynamics of Vibrio cholerae abundance in Austrian saline lakes, assessed with quantitative solid-phase cytometry. Environmental Microbiology 17(11):4366-4378. DOI:10.1111/1462-2920.12861 (2015)
Stevenson M, Blaschke B, Toze S, Sidhu J, Ahmed W, Van Driezum I, Sommer R, Kirschner A, Cervero-Aragó S, Farnleitner A, and Pang L. Biotin- and Glycoprotein-Coated Microspheres as Surrogates for Studying Filtration Removal of Cryptosporidium parvum in Granular Limestone Aquifer Media. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 81 (13):4277-83 (2015)
Bliem R, Schauer S, Plicka H, Obwaller A, Sommer R, Steinrigl A, Alam M, Reischer GH, Farnleitner AH, Kirschner A. A Novel Triplex Quantitative PCR Strategy for Quantification of Toxigenic and Nontoxigenic Vibrio cholerae in Aquatic Environments. Appl Environ Microbiol 81(9): 3077-3085 (2015)
Kirschner AKT, Kavka GG, Reischer GH, Sommer R, Blaschke AP, Stevenson M, Vierheilig J, Mach RL, Farnleitner AH. Microbiological Water Quality of the Danube River: Status Quo and Future Perspectives. Handbook of Environmental Chemistry, special volume "The Danube River Basin"; Liska I & Slobodnik J (eds), Springer Verlag; Berlin (2015). ISBN: 978-3-662-47739-7 > DOI: 10.1007/698_2014_307
Ryzinska-Paier G., T. Lendenfeld, K. Correa, P. Stadler, A.P. Blaschke, R.L. Mach, H. Stadler, A.K.T. Kirschner, A.H. Farnleitner. A sensitive and robust method for automated on-line monitoring of enzymatic activities in water and water resources: Water Science & Technology 69.6: 1349-1358 (2014)
Caluga B., A. Carratala, L. G-Latorre, A. de Abreu Correa, T. Kohn, R. Sommer, R. Girones. UVC Inactivation of dsDNA and ssRNA Viruses in Water: UV Fluences and a qPCR-Based Approach to Evaluate Decay on Viral Infectivity: Food Environ Virol (2014) 6:260-268
Scheikl U., R. Sommer, A. Kirschner, A. Rameder, B. Schrammel, I. Zweimüller, W. Wesner, M. Hinker, J. Walochnik. Free-living amoebae (FLA) co-occurring with legionellae in industrial waters: European Journal of Protistology 50, 422-429 (2014)
Aigner G., R. Sommer, F. Mascher. Bäderhygienerecht – Kommentar: Verlag Austria, 4. Auflage, 2014, ISBN 978-3-7046-6452-5
Cervero-Aragó S., R. Sommer, R.M. Araujo. Effect of UV irradiation (253.7) on free Legionella and Legionella associated with its amoebae hosts: Water Res. 2014 Sep 30;67C:299-309
Farnleitner A.H., G.H. Reischer, D.F. Savio, C. Frick, N. Schuster, K. Schilling, R.L. Mach, J. Derx, A. Kirschner, A.P. Blaschke, R. Sommer. Diagnostik mikrobiologischer Fäkalkontaminationen in Wasser und Gewässern: Status Quo und gegenwärtige Entwicklungen. Wiener Mitteilungen 230, 157-184 (2014)
Stevenson M.E., A.P. Blaschke, S. Schauer, M. Zessner, R. Sommer, A.H. Farnleitner and A.K.T. Kirschner. Enumerating Microorganism Surrogates for Groundwater Transport Studies Using Solid-Phase Cytometry. Water, Air and Soil Pollution 225 (2): 1827 (2014)
Sommer R., A. Cabaj, G. Hirschmann, A. Schmalwieser und Th. Haider. UV-Desinfektion von Abwasser – Technologie und Erfahrungen. Österreichischer Wasser- und Abfallwirtschaftsverband, Kanal- und Kläranlagen-Nachbarschaften, Folge 21. ISBN 978-3-902810-81-6 (2013)
Anna Carratalà, Marta Rusiñol, Jesús Rodriguez-Manzano, Laura Guerrero-Latorre, Regina Sommer, Rosina Girones Environmental effectors on the inactivation of human adenoviruses in water. Food and Environmental Virology, 5 (4): 203-214 (2013)
Schaar H., R. Sommer, R. Schürhagl, P. Yillia and N. Kreuzinger. Microorganism inactivation by an ozonation step optimized for micropollutant removal from tertiary effluent. Water Science and Technology 68 (2): 311-318 (2013)
Reischer, G.H, J.E. Ebdon, J.M. Haider, N. Schuster, W. Ahmed, J. Åström, AR. Blanch, G. Blöschl, D, Byamukama, T. Coakleyi, C. Ferguson, G. Goshu, G.P. Ko, A.M. de Roda Husman, D. Mushi, R. Poma, B. Pradhan, V. Rajal, M. Schade, R. Sommer, H. Taylor, E.M. Toth, V. Vrajmasu, S. Wuertz , R.L. Mach, and AH. Farnleitner. Performance characteristics of qPCR assays targeting human- and ruminant-associated Bacteroidetes for microbial source tracking across sixteen countries on six continents. Environmental Science and Technology 47 (15):8548-8556 (2013)
Vierheilig J, C. Frick, R. Mayer, A. Kirschner, G. Reischer, J. Derx , R. Mach, R. Sommer and AH Farnleitner. Clostridium perfringens is not Suitable for the Indication of Fecal Pollution from Ruminant Wildlife but is Associated with Excreta from Non-Herbivorous Animals and Human Sewage. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 79: 5089-5092 (2013)
Wilhartitz IC, AKT Kirschner, UR Fischer, C. Wieltschnig , CPD Brussaard , H. Stadler and AH Farnleitner. Dynamics of natural prokaryotes, viruses and heterotrophic nanoflagellates in alpine karstic groundwater. Microbiology Open 2: 633-43 (2013)
Dombrowsky M, A. Kirschner and R. Sommer R. PVC-piping promotes growth of Ralstonia pickettii in dialysis water treatment facilities. Water Science and Water Science and Technology 68(4): 929-33 (2013)