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AG Pathophysiologie der Plazenta headed by Isabella Ellinger

Welcome to the “Pathophysiology of the Placenta” Group, headed by Isabella Ellinger

My group is part of the Institute for Pathophysiology and Allergy Research at the Center for Pathophysiology, Infectiology and Immunology at the Medical University of Vienna, Austria.

I am a dedicated lecturer (first mission) and researcher (second mission) and with my work aim at contributing to the three main cornerstones of the academic system of the MedUni Vienna that are research, education and patient care. I am convinced of the importance of third mission activities; thus, I persue an intense exchange on science with people of all ages. As a member of two female scientists networks (WISIA, WNWmed), I am also a passionate advocate of empowerment of women in science. Overall, my activities align to UN sustainable development goals (SDGs) 3 and 4 and thus shall (1) ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages and (2) foster lifelong learning for all. Finally, I would also like to contribute to making our institute and our university more sustainable and "greener".

First Mission l Teaching

  • Medical University of Vienna
  • Other Universities 

Second Mission l Research

  • Studying placental functions under physiologic and pathologic conditions
  • Advancing automated microscopy
  • Providing IFM-expertise in collaborations

Third Mission l Science Education and Scientific Communication

Isabella Ellinger - Group leader Isabella Ellinger
Cell Biologist
Tel.: +43 (0)1 40400-51310

Link to CV

Alessio Fontanot - PhD student

MSc Alessio Fontanot
Master in Molecular and Applied Biology
Tel.: +43 (0)1 40400-51310

Carmen Colin - PhD student

MSc Carmen Guadalupe Colin Tenorio
Erasmus Mundus Joint Master in Medical Imaging and Applications
Tel.: +43 (0)1 40400-51310

Ruben Vrticka - Diploma student

Ruben Vrticka
Diploma student human medicine
Tel.: +43 (0)1 40400-51310

Fabio Sadkaoui - Diploma student

Fabio Sadkaoui
Diploma student human medicine
Tel.: +43 (0)1 40400-51310

Anastasija Mindic - Bachelor student

Anastasija Mindic
Cellular and Molecular Pathophysiology
Tel.: +43 (0)1 40400-51310

Katarina Babarikova - PhD student (4-months scholarship Aktion Österreich Slowakei)

MSc Katarina Babarikova
Master in Biology
Tel.: +43 (0)1 40400-51310

Elena Demaria - PhD student (6-months scholarship EU-funded)

MSc Elena Demaria
Master in Health Biology
Tel.: +43 (0)1 40400-51310

Sustainability award 2025 of Meduni Vienna

For the first time, MedUni Vienna presented Sustainability Awards at the New Year's Reception on 15.1.2025. One of the two prizes went to Isabella Ellinger (IPA), Rotraud Wieser and Katrina Vanura (Department of Medicine I) for the development of an energy efficiency project for ultra-low temperature freezers. Ellinger, Wieser and Vanura head the Community and Research working group of the Green University Task Force, which develops projects to make MedUni Vienna more sustainable. Another prize was awarded to Agnes Csiszar, also a member of the Community and Research working group, which designs and organizes the "CCR Green Days".
Link to the event

Teaching at Meduni Vienna

Diploma Program "Human Medicine (N202)"

  • Lecturer in Modul 1, 3, 7, 14, ÄGF B (Medical consultation training); SSM1, SSM2, SSM3

PhD Program "N094" and Doctoral Program of Applied Medical Science "N790"

  • Ellinger is registered supervisor in Molecular Mechanism in Cell Biology (N094), Malignant Diseases (N094), Medical Informatics, Biostatistics and Complex System (N094), Infection Biology (N094) and Regeneration of Bones and Joints (N790)
  • SFS - Stimulating Friday Seminar, Friday, 10.15-11.15 a.m., Cisco Webex meeting, Thesis seminar for PhD students (N094 and N0790), 1h, I. Ellinger, S. Flicker, D. Mechtecheriakova, P. Pietschmann   
  • CCJC - Creative and Critical Journal Club, Friday, 9.00-10.00 a.m., Cisco Webex meeting, Journal club for PhD students (N094 and N0790), 2 h (1h preparation time).  I. Ellinger, E. Kallay, A. Mahbod, P. Pietschmann, M. Schepelmann
  • Lecturer in "Basic lectures in Immunology"
  • Lecturer in "Basic lectures of the PhD-program Regeneration of Bone and Joints"

Karl Landsteiner University of Health Sciences (KLPU)

  • Lecturer in Modul 7 (Human Health and Disease) of the Health Science Bachelor Programme (Modul organizer from 2014 - 2019)

Studying placental functions under physiologic and pathologic conditions

Project lead

  • Hochschuljubiläumsstiftung Nr. H-2490/2009 “RAGE (Receptor for „advanced glycated end products“) und die Schwangerschaftserkrankung Präeklampsie” (2009-2011); Partner: Dr. Sabine Dekan, MedUni Vienna
  • Hochschuljubiläumsstiftung Nr. H-2181/2006  “The mechanism of antibody-transport in the trophoblast of the human placenta: investigations in placental explants” (2007-2009)
  • Österreichische Nationalbank Nr.6618 Morphological analysis of transcytosis (1997 - 2002); Partner: Dr. Adi Ellinger, MedUni Vienna
  • Jubiläumsfondsprojekt Nr. 8010, “Antibody production against hFcRn” (1999-2002)

Advancing automated microscopy

Project lead

  • Bridge Young Scientists/FFG "Deep learning for improved nuclei segmentation and knowledge transfer methods in microscopic images"; (2020-2022), Partners: Dr. Rupert Ecker / TissueGnostics GmbH and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Georg Dorffner, MedUni Vienna, Austria
  • Company (TG)-funded §27 project: „Validation of segmentation in automated quantitative immuno-histochemistry“ (2014-2015), Partners: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Georg Dorffner (IAI, MedUni Vienna), Dr. Rupert Ecker / TissueGnostics GmbH
  • Bridge Project/FFG Nr. 818094  “Automated cell-recognition technology for science and diagnostics “ (2009-2012); Partners: Dr. Rupert Ecker / TissueGnostics GmbH and Seewald Solutions, Vienna.  This project has received a Science2business Award in 2011      

Colaborative Partner

  • HORIZON-MSCA-2022-DN-01 "eRaDicate" Project (2024-2027);Project leader: Dr. Martin Schepelman, Medical University of Vienna, Ellinger is partner of TissueGnostics GmbH
  • HORIZON – MSCA – 2021 – DN‐ID "STOP SPREAD BAD BUGS" (2023-2026); Project leader: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Wendy Unger, Erasmus University Medical Center Rotterdam, Ellinger is partner of TissueGnostics GmbH
  • Marie Sklodowska-Curie European Training Network (ETN) „CaSR-Biomedicine“ (2016-2019); Project leader: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Enikö Kallay, (IPA,MedUni Vienna), Ellinger is partner of TissueGnostics GmbH

Providing IFM-expertise in collaborations

Project lead

  • WTZ Slowakia 2013-14/ OEAD SK 06/2013: “Melatonin and blood pressure control”; Partner: Prof. Dr. Michal Zeman, Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia
  • Ernst  Mach Scholarship (Austrian Federal Ministry of Science and Research (BMWF) “Expression of melatonin receptors in mesenteric artery of hypertensive rats” (10 2011-01 2012); Partner: Prof. Dr. Michal Zeman, Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia

Colaborative Partner

  • Life Science 2017 (LSC17_008) “Iron metabolism of the human placenta - the key to understand iron transfer from the mother to the fetus “(2018-2021) Project lead: Prim. Univ. Prof. Hans Salzer (Landesklinikum Tulln, Austria); project partners: Medical University of Vienna / Institute of Medical Genetics, Landesklinikum Mistelbach / Department of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine
  • Life Science 2015 (LS15_014) “Mercury toxicokinetics in human placenta: making the bridge between genotype and phenotype in healthy and diseased placentas “(2016-2018) Project lead: Prim. Univ. Prof. Hans Salzer (Landesklinikum Tulln, Austria); project partners: Medical University of Vienna / Institute of Medical Genetics, Karl Landsteiner University of Health Sciences / Division of Paediatrics (University Hospital St. Pölten)
  • Life Science 2010 (Krems) “Mercury toxicokinetics in human term placenta: functional proof and localization of involved canditate proteins “(2011-2014) Project lead: Prim. Univ. Prof. Hans Salzer (Landesklinikum Tulln, Austria) and Ass-Prof. Dr. Claudia Gundacker (Inst. of Med. Genetics, MedUni Vienna)

Original Manuscripts

52 Mahbod A, Polak C, Feldmann K, Khan R, Gelles K, Dorffner G, Woitek R, Hatamikia S, Ellinger I. NuInsSeg: A fully annotated dataset for nuclei instance segmentation in H&E-stained histological images. Sci Data. 2024 Mar 14;11(1):295. doi: 10.1038/s41597-024-03117-2.

51 Wang C, Mahbod A, Ellinger I, Galdran A, Gopalakrishnan S, Niezgoda J, Yu Z. FUSeg: The Foot Ulcer Segmentation Challenge. Information. 2024; 15(3):140.

50 Mahbod A, Dorffner G, Ellinger I, Woitek R, Hatamikia S. Improving generalization capability of deep learning-based nuclei instance segmentation by non-deterministic train time and deterministic test time stain normalization. Comput Struct Biotechnol J. 2024 Jan 3;23:669-678. doi: 10.1016/j.csbj.2023.12.042. PMID: 38292472; PMCID: PMC10825317.

49 Schwertner K, Gelles K, Leitner J, Steinberger P, Gundacker C, Vrticka R, Hoffmann-Sommergruber K, Ellinger I, Geiselhart S. Human intestine and placenta exhibit tissue-specific expression of RAGE isoforms. Heliyon. 2023 Jul 18;9(8):e18247. doi: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2023.e18247. PMID: 37533998; PMCID: PMC10391957.

48 Palladino C, Ellinger I, Kalic T, Humeniuk P, Ret D, Mayr V, Hafner C, Hemmer W, Hoffmann-Sommergruber K, Untersmayr E, Bublin M, Radauer C, Breiteneder H. Peanut lipids influence the response of bronchial epithelial cells to the peanut allergens Ara h 1 and Ara h 2 by decreasing barrier permeability. Front Mol Biosci. 2023 Feb 8;10:1126008. doi: 10.3389/fmolb.2023.1126008. PMID: 36845549; PMCID: PMC9945344.

47 Weichwald C, Zettl I, Ellinger I, Niespodziana K, Waltl EE, Villazala-Merino S, Ivanov D, Eckl-Dorna J, Niederberger-Leppin V, Valenta R, Flicker S. Antibody Conjugates Bispecific for Pollen Allergens and ICAM-1 with Potential to Prevent Epithelial Allergen Transmigration and Rhinovirus Infection. Int J Mol Sci. 2023 Feb 1;24(3):2725. doi: 10.3390/ijms24032725. PMID: 36769047; PMCID: PMC9917280.

46 Mahbod A, Schaefer G, Dorffner G, Hatamikia S, Ecker R, Ellinger I. A dual decoder U-Net-based model for nuclei instance segmentation in hematoxylin and eosin-stained histological images. Front Med (Lausanne). 2022 Nov 11;9:978146. doi: 10.3389/fmed.2022.978146. PMID: 36438040; PMCID: PMC9691672.

45 Zettl I, Ivanova T, Zghaebi M, Rutovskaya MV, Ellinger I, Goryainova O, Kollárová J, Villazala-Merino S, Lupinek C, Weichwald C, Drescher A, Eckl-Dorna J, Tillib SV, Flicker S. Generation of high affinity ICAM-1-specific nanobodies and evaluation of their suitability for allergy treatment. Front Immunol. 2022 Nov 9;13:1022418. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2022.1022418. PMID: 36439110; PMCID: PMC9682242.

44 Chatuphonprasert W, Sukkasem N, Ellinger I, Jarukamjorn K. Plumbagin and Plumbago indica Differentially Modulated Cytochrome P450 and Transporter Profiles in BeWo and HepG2 Cells. Pak J Biol Sci. 2021 Jan;24(11):1195-1201. doi: 10.3923/pjbs.2021.1195.1201. PMID: 34842392.

43 Romagnoli C, Sharma P, Zonefrati R, Palmini G, Lucattelli E, Ward DT, Ellinger I, Innocenti M, Brandi ML. Study of the Expression and Function of Calcium-Sensing Receptor in Human Skeletal Muscle. Int J Mol Sci. 2021 Jul 6;22(14):7282. doi: 10.3390/ijms22147282. PMID: 34298895.

42 Verma R, Kumar N, Patil A, Kurian NC, Rane S, Graham S, Vu QD, Zwager M, Raza SEA, Rajpoot N, Wu X, Chen H, Huang Y, Wang L, Jung H, Brown GT, Liu Y, Liu S, Jahromi SAF, Khani AA, Montahaei E, Baghshah MS, Behroozi H, Semkin P, Rassadin A, Dutande P, Lodaya R, Baid U, Baheti B, Talbar S, Mahbod A, Ecker R, Ellinger I, Luo Z, Dong B, Xu Z, Yao Y, Lv S, Feng M, Xu K, Zunair H, Hamza AB, Smiley S, Yin TK, Fang QR, Srivastava S, Mahapatra D, Trnavska L, Zhang H, Narayanan PL, Law J, Yuan Y, Tejomay A, Mitkari A, Koka D, Ramachandra V, Kini L, Sethi A. MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-organ Nuclei Segmentation and Classification Challenge. IEEE Trans Med Imaging. 2021 Jun 4;PP. doi: 10.1109/TMI.2021.3085712. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34086562.

41 Mahbod A, Schaefer G, Löw C, Dorffner G, Ecker R, Ellinger I. Investigating the Impact of the Bit Depth of Fluorescence-Stained Images on the Performance of Deep Learning-Based Nuclei Instance Segmentation. Diagnostics (Basel). 2021 May 27;11(6):967. doi: 10.3390/diagnostics11060967. PMID: 34072131.

40 Mahbod A, Schaefer G, Bancher B, Löw C, Dorffner G, Ecker R, Ellinger I. CryoNuSeg: A dataset for nuclei instance segmentation of cryosectioned H&E-stained histological images. Comput Biol Med. 2021 May;132:104349. doi:10.1016/j.compbiomed.2021.104349. Epub 2021 Mar 22. PMID: 33774269.

39 Granitzer S, Widhalm R, Forsthuber M, Ellinger I, Desoye G, Hengstschläger M, Zeisler H, Salzer H, Gundacker C. Amino Acid Transporter LAT1 (SLC7A5) Mediates MeHg-Induced Oxidative Stress Defense in the Human Placental Cell Line HTR-8/SVneo. Int J Mol Sci. 2021 Feb 8;22(4):1707. doi: 10.3390/ijms22041707. PMID: 33567754.

This publication is part of a special issue, which has been published in the open access journal IJMS (ISSN 1422-0067). "Amino Acids Transport and Metabolism 3.0" Guest Editor(s): Cesare Indiveri, Mariafrancesca Scalise.

38 Widhalm R, Ellinger I, Granitzer S, Forsthuber, M., Bajtela, R.Gelles K, Hartig, P.-Y., Hengstschläger M, Zeisler, H., Salzer, H. Gundacker C. Human placental cell line HTR8/SVneo accumulates cadmium by divalent metal transporters DMT1 and ZIP14. Metallomics. 2020 Nov 1;12(11):1822-1833. doi:
. Epub 2020 Nov 4. PMID: 33146651.

37 Granitzer S, Ellinger I, Khan R, Gelles K, Widhalm R, Hengstschläger M, Zeisler H, Desoye G, Tupova L, Ceckova M, Salzer H, Gundacker C. In vitro function and in situ localization of Multidrug Resistance-associated Protein (MRP)1 (ABCC1) suggest a protective role against methyl mercury-induced oxidative stress in the human placenta. Arch Toxicol. 2020 Nov;94(11):3799-3817. doi:10.1007/s00204-020-02900-5. Epub 2020 Sep 11. PMID: 32915249. 

36 Mahbod A, Tschandl P, Langs G, Ecker R, Ellinger I. The effects of skin lesion segmentation on the performance of dermatoscopic image classification. Comput Methods Programs Biomed. 2020 Aug 26;197:105725. doi:10.1016/j.cmpb.2020.105725. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 32882594.

35 Molcan L, Maier A, Zemančíková A, Gelles K, Török J, Zeman M, Ellinger I. Expression of Melatonin Receptor 1 in Rat Mesenteric Artery and Perivascular Adipose Tissue and Vasoactive Action of Melatonin.
Cell Mol Neurobiol. 2021 Oct;41(7):1589-1598. doi: 10.1007/s10571-020-00928-w. Epub 2020 Jul 30. PMID: 32734322; PMCID: PMC8408066.

34 Mahbod A., Schaefer G., Wang C., Dorffner, G., Ecker R., Ellinger I. Transfer Learning Using a Multi-Scale and Multi-Network Ensemble for Skin Lesion Classification. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 2020 Sep;193:105475. doi: 10.1016/j.cmpb.2020.105475.Online ahead of print.

33 Chatuphonprasert W, Kitisripanya T, Patalun W, Ellinger I, Jarukamjorn K.Plumbagin and Plumbago indica Differentially Modulated Cytochrome P450 and Transporter Profiles in BeWo and HepG2 Cells. Pharmacognosy Magazine, 2020, 16(5): 506-512.

32 Kumar N, Verma R, Anand D, Zhou Y, Onder OF, Tsougenis E, Chen H, Heng PA, Li J, Hu Z, Wang Y, Koohbanani NA, Jahanifar M, Tajeddin NZ, Gooya A, Rajpoot N, Ren X, Zhou S, Wang Q, Shen D, Yang CK, Weng CH, Yu WH, Yeh CY, Yang S, Xu S, Yeung PH, Sun P, Mahbod A, Schaefer G, Ellinger I, Ecker R, Smedby O, Wang C, Chidester B, Ton TV, Tran MT, Ma J, Do MN, Graham S, Vu QD, Kwak JT, Gunda A, Chunduri R, Hu C, Zhou X, Lotfi D, Safdari R, Kascenas A, O'Neil A, Eschweiler D, Stegmaier J, Cui Y, Yin B, Chen K, Tian X, Gruening P, Barth E, Arbel E, Remer I, Ben-Dor A, Sirazitdinova E, Kohl M, Braunewell S, Li Y, Xie X, Shen L, Ma J, Baksi KD, Khan MA, Choo J, Colomer A, Naranjo V, Pei L, Iftekharuddin KM, Roy K, Bhattacharjee D, Pedraza A, Bueno MG, Devanathan S, Radhakrishnan S, Koduganty P, Wu Z, Cai G, Liu X, Wang Y, Sethi A. A Multi-organ Nucleus Segmentation Challenge. IEEE Trans Med Imaging. 2019 Oct 23. doi: 10.1109/TMI.2019.2947628.  PubMed PMID: 31647422.

31  Kalic T, Ellinger I, Kamath SD, Palladino C, Mayr V, Tscheppe A, Ruethers T, Waltl EE, Niederberger V, Lengger N, Radauer C, Hafner C, Lopata AL, Bublin M,Breiteneder H. Fish-derived low molecular weight components modify bronchial epithelial barrier properties and release of pro-inflammatory cytokines. Mol Immunol. 2019 May 15;112:140-150. doi: 10.1016/j.molimm.2019.04.029. PubMed PMID: 31102986.

30  Kiskova T, Mytsko Y, Schepelmann M, Helmer H, Fuchs, R, Miedl H, Wadsack C, Ellinger I, Expression of the neonatal Fc-receptor in placental-fetal endothelium and in cells of the placental immune system. Placenta Volume 78, March 2019, Pages 36-43;

29 Mahbod A, Schaefer G, Ellinger I, Ecker R, Pitiot A, Wang C. Fusing fine-tuned deep features for skin lesion classification. omput Med Imaging Graph. 2019 Jan;71:19-29. doi: 10.1016/j.compmedimag.2018.10.007. Epub 2018 Nov 3. PubMed PMID: 30458354.

28  Kamper M, Mittermayer F, Cabuk R, Gelles K, Ellinger I, Hermann M. Estrogen-enhanced apical and basolateral secretion of apolipoprotein B-100 by polarized trophoblast-derived BeWo cells. Biochimie. 2017 Jul;138:116-123. doi: 10.1016/j.biochi.2017.05.006. Epub 2017 May 6. PubMed PMID: 28487135.

27 Heidl S, Ellinger I, Niederberger V, Waltl EE, Fuchs R. Localization of the human neonatal Fc receptor (FcRn) in human nasal epithelium. Protoplasma. 2016 Nov;253(6):1557-1564. Epub 2015 Dec 3. PubMed PMID: 26634928.

26 Ellinger I, Chatuphonprasert W, Reiter M, Voss A, Kemper J, Straka E, Scheinast M, Zeisler H, Salzer H, Gundacker C. Don't trust an(t)ybody - Pitfalls  during investigation of candidate proteins for methylmercury transport at the placental interface. Placenta. 2016 Jul;43:13-6. doi: 10.1016/j.placenta.2016.04.011. Epub 2016 Apr 20. PubMed PMID: 27324094.

25 Straka E, Ellinger I, Balthasar C, Scheinast M, Schatz J, Szattler T, Bleichert S, Saleh L, Knöfler M, Zeisler H, Hengstschläger M, Rosner M, Salzer H, Gundacker C. Mercury toxicokinetics of the healthy human term placenta involve amino acid transporters and ABC transporters. Toxicology. 2016 Jan 18;340:34-42.  doi: 10.1016/j.tox.2015.12.005. Epub 2015 Dec 29. PubMed PMID: 26740192.

24  Rogojanu R, Thalhammer T, Thiem U, Heindl A, Mesteri I, Seewald A, Jäger W, Smochina C, Ellinger I, Bises G. Quantitative Image Analysis of Epithelial and Stromal Area in Histological Sections of Colorectal Cancer: An Emerging Diagnostic Tool. Biomed Res Int. 2015;2015:569071. doi: 10.1155/2015/569071. Epub 2015 Oct 22. PubMed PMID: 26579535; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4633538.

23  Ashjaei K, Palmberger D, Bublin M, Bajna E, Breiteneder H, Grabherr R, Ellinger I, Hoffmann-Sommergruber K. Atopic donor status does not influence the uptake of the major grass pollen allergen, Phl p 5, by dendritic cells. J Immunol Methods. 2015 Sep;424:120-30. doi: 10.1016/j.jim.2015.06.001. Epub 2015 Jun 6. PubMed PMID: 26055335; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4739503.

22  Madritsch C, Eckl-Dorna J, Blatt K, Ellinger I, Kundi M, Niederberger V, Valent P, Valenta R, Flicker S. Antibody conjugates bispecific for intercellular  adhesion molecule 1 and allergen prevent migration of allergens through respiratory epithelial cell layers. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2015 Aug;136(2):490-3.e11. doi: 10.1016/j.jaci.2015.01.006. Epub 2015 Mar 11. PubMed PMID: 25769914; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4530582.

21  Heindl A, Seewald AK, Thalhammer T, Bises G, Schepelmann M, Uhrova H, Dekan S, Mesteri I, Rogojanu R, Ellinger I. Automated REcognition of tissue-associated erythrocytes (ARETE)-a new tool in tissue cytometry. Cytometry A. 2013 Apr;83(4):363-74. doi: 10.1002/cyto.a.22258. Epub 2013 Feb 11. PubMed PMID: 23401225.

20  Schepelmann M, Molcan L, Uhrova H, Zeman M, Ellinger I. The presence and localization of melatonin receptors in the rat aorta. Cell Mol Neurobiol. 2011Nov;31(8):1257-65. doi: 10.1007/s10571-011-9727-9. Epub 2011 Jun 22. PubMed PMID: 21695478.

19  Wlcek K, Svoboda M, Riha J, Zakaria S, Olszewski U, Dvorak Z, Sellner F, Ellinger I, Jäger W, Thalhammer T. The analysis of organic anion transporting polypeptide (OATP) mRNA and protein patterns in primary and metastatic liver cancer. Cancer Biol Ther. 2011 May 1;11(9):801-11. doi: 10.4161/cbt.11.9.15176. Epub 2011 May 1. PMID: 21383546.

18  Ellinger I, Fuchs R. Receptor-mediated and fluid-phase transcytosis of horseradish peroxidase across rat hepatocytes. J Biomed Biotechnol. 2010;2010:850320. doi: 10.1155/2010/850320. Epub 2010 Jan 27. PubMed PMID: 20168981; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC2820271.

17  Miksits M, Wlcek K, Svoboda M, Thalhammer T, Ellinger I, Stefanzl G, Falany CN, Szekeres T, Jaeger W. Expression of sulfotransferases and sulfatases in human breast cancer: impact on resveratrol metabolism. Cancer Lett. 2010 Mar 28;289(2):237-45. doi: 10.1016/j.canlet.2009.08.020. Epub 2009 Sep 10. PubMed PMID: 19747768.

16 Szlauer R, Ellinger I, Haider S, Saleh L, Busch BL, Knöfler M, Fuchs R. Functional expression of the human neonatal Fc-receptor, hFcRn, in isolated cultured human syncytiotrophoblasts. Placenta. 2009 Jun;30(6):507-15. doi: 10.1016/j.placenta.2009.03.009. Epub 2009 Apr 11. PubMed PMID: 19362735.

15  Ellinger I, Fuchs R. Biliary secretion of fluid phase markers is modified under post-cholestatic conditions. Wien Med Wochenschr. 2008;158(19-20):579-82. doi: 10.1007/s10354-008-0600-5. PubMed PMID: 18998077.

14  Leitner K, Ellinger I, Grill M, Brabec M, Fuchs R. Efficient apical IgG recycling and apical-to-basolateral transcytosis in polarized BeWo cells overexpressing hFcRn. Placenta. 2006 Aug;27(8):799-811. doi:
. Epub 2005 Oct 17. PMID: 16229888.

13  Ellinger I, Reischer H, Lehner C, Leitner K, Hunziker W, Fuchs R. Overexpression of the human neonatal Fc-receptor alpha-chain in trophoblast- derived BeWo cells increases cellular retention of beta2-microglobulin. Placenta. 2005 Feb-Mar;26(2-3):171-82. doi: 10.1016/j.placenta.2004.04.014. PMID: 15708118.

12  Ellinger I, Klapper H, Courtoy PJ, Vaerman JP, Fuchs R. Different temperature sensitivity of endosomes involved in transport to lysosomes and transcytosis in rat hepatocytes: analysis by free-flow electrophoresis. Electrophoresis. 2002 Jul;23(13):2117-29. doi: 10.1002/1522-2683(200207)23:13<2117::AID-ELPS2117>3.0.CO;2-Z. PMID: 12210267.

11  Leitner K, Ellinger A, Zimmer KP, Ellinger I, Fuchs R. Localization of beta 2-microglobulin in the term villous syncytiotrophoblast. Histochem Cell Biol. 2002 Feb;117(2):187-93. doi: 10.1007/s00418-001-0366-y. Epub 2002 Jan 19. PMID: 11935295.

10   Ellinger I, Rothe A, Grill M, Fuchs R. Apical to basolateral transcytosis and apical recycling of immunoglobulin G in trophoblast-derived BeWo cells: effects of low temperature, nocodazole, and cytochalasin D. Exp Cell Res. 2001 Oct 1;269(2):322-31. doi: 10.1006/excr.2001.5330. PMID: 11570824.
9   Leitner K, Szlauer R, Ellinger I, Ellinger A, Zimmer KP, Fuchs R. Placental alkaline phosphatase expression at the apical and basal plasma membrane in term villous trophoblasts. J Histochem Cytochem. 2001 Sep;49(9):1155-64. doi: 10.1177/002215540104900909. PMID: 11511684.

8  Praetor A, Ellinger I, Hunziker W. Intracellular traffic of the MHC class I-like IgG Fc receptor, FcRn, expressed in epithelial MDCK cells. J Cell Sci. 1999 Jul;112 ( Pt 14):2291-9. PubMed PMID: 10381385.

7  Ellinger I, Schwab M, Stefanescu A, Hunziker W, Fuchs R. IgG transport across trophoblast-derived BeWo cells: a model system to study IgG transport in the placenta. Eur J Immunol. 1999 Mar;29(3):733-44. doi: 10.1002/(SICI)1521-4141(199903)29:03<733::AID-IMMU733>3.0.CO;2-C. PMID:

6  Stefaner I, Praetor A, Hunziker W. Nonvectorial surface transport, endocytosis via a Di-leucine-based motif, and bidirectional transcytosis of chimera encoding the cytosolic tail of rat FcRn expressed in Madin-Darby canine kidney cells. J Biol Chem. 1999 Mar 26;274(13):8998-9005. doi: 10.1074/jbc.274.13.8998. PMID: 10085147.

5  Schmid JA, Ellinger I, Kosma P. In vitro fusion of tissue-derived endosomes and lysosomes. Eur J Cell Biol. 1998 Nov;77(3):166-74. doi: 10.1016/S0171-9335(98)80104-0. PMID: 9860132.

4  Ellinger I, Klapper H, Fuchs R. Fluid-phase marker transport in rat liver: free-flow electrophoresis separates distinct endosome subpopulations. Electrophoresis. 1998 Jun;19(7):1154-61. doi: 10.1002/elps.1150190716. PMID: 9662178.

3  Stefaner I, Klapper H, Sztul E, Fuchs R. Free-flow electrophoretic analysis of endosome subpopulations of rat hepatocytes. Electrophoresis. 1997 Dec;18(14):2516-22. doi: 10.1002/elps.1150181405. PMID: 9527479.

2   Stefaner I, Stefanescu A, Hunziker W, Fuchs R. Expression of placental alkaline phosphatase does not correlate with IgG binding, internalization and transcytosis. Biochem J. 1997 Oct 15;327 ( Pt 2)(Pt 2):585-92. doi: 10.1042/bj3270585. PMID: 9359433; PMCID: PMC1218833.

1  Kiss H, Stefaner I, Neuwirth S, Reisenberger K, Ellinger A, Egarter Ch. Die Trophoblastenprimärkultur: Ein In-vitro-Modell zum Studium der Physiologie und Pathologie der Plazenta. Geburtshilfe und Frauenheilkunde 1997 57( 4): 209-216

Peer-Reviewed Conference Papers  

11 Mahbod A., Schaefer G., Ecker R., Ellinger I. (2022). Automatic Foot Ulcer Segmentation Using an Ensemble of Convolutional Neural Networks. Preprint on arXiv:2109.01408 [eess.IV]. Accepted and presented at the 26th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR 2022), 

10 Mahbod, A., Entezari, R., Ellinger, I., Saukh, O. (2022). Deep Neural Network Pruning for Nuclei Instance Segmentation in Hematoxylin and Eosin-Stained Histological Images. In: Wu, S., Shabestari, B., Xing, L. (eds) Applications of Medical Artificial Intelligence. AMAI 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13540. Springer, Cham. (Preprint on arXiv:2206.07422 [eess.IV]). Accepted and presented  at the 1st Workshop of Applications of Medical AI (AMAI) 2022 at MICCAI 2022 (September 2022, Singapore

9  Bancher, B., Mahbod, A., Ellinger, I., Ecker, R., Dorffner, G.. (2021). Improving Mask R-CNN for Nuclei Instance Segmentation in Hematoxylin & Eosin-Stained Histological Images. Proceedings of the MICCAI Workshop on Computational Pathology, in Proceedings of Machine Learning Research 156:20-35. Accepted and presented at the 3rd MICCAI workshop on Computational Pathology (COMPAY) 2021 (October 2021, Strasbourg, France)

8 Mahbod A., Schaefer G., Ecker R., Ellinger I. Pollen Grain Microscopic Image Classification Using an Ensemble of Fine-Tuned Deep Convolutional Neural Networks (2021) In: Del Bimbo A. et al. (eds) Pattern Recognition. ICPR International Workshops and Challenges. ICPR 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12661. Springer, Cham.; Preprint on arXiv:2011.07428 [cs.CV]. Accepted and presented at the artificial Intelligence of Healthcare Applications (AIHA) International Workshop at ICPR 2020 (January 2021, Milano, Italy)

7  Mahbod A, Schäfer G, Wang C, Ecker R, Dorffner G, Ellinger I (2021) Investigating and Exploiting Image Resolution for Transfer Learning-based Skin Lesion Classification. International Conference on Pattern Recognition 4047-4053. Doi: 10.1109/ICPR48806.2021.9412307. Preprint on arXiv:2006.14715.2020 June 25. Accepted and presented at the 25th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR 2020; January 2021, Milano, Italy)

6  Mahbod A., Schaefer G., Ellinger I., Ecker R., Smedby Ö., Wang C. A Two-Stage U-Net Algorithm for Segmentation of Nuclei in H&E-Stained Tissues. In: Reyes-Aldasoro C., Janowczyk A., Veta M., Bankhead P., Sirinukunwattana K. (eds) Digital Pathology. ECDP 2019. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11435. Springer, Cham

5  Mahbod A,  Schaefer G, Wang C, Ecker E, and Ellinger I, Skin Lesion Classification Using Hybrid Deep Neural Networks, ICASSP 2019 - 2019 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Brighton, United Kingdom, 2019, pp. 1229-1233. doi:10.1109/ICASSP.2019.8683352; 

4  Mahbod A, Ellinger, I, Ecker R, Smedby Ö, Wang Ch. Breast Cancer Histological Image Classification Using Fine-Tuned Deep Network Fusion. Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2018 A. Campilho et al. (Eds.): ICIAR 2018, LNCS 10882, pp. 754–762, 2018.

3  Mahbod A, Ecker R, and Ellinger I. Skin Lesion Classification Using Hybrid Deep Neural Networks.  Preprint on arXiv:1702.08434. 2017 Feb 27. (ISIC 2017: Skin Lesion Analysis Towards Melanoma Detection Challenge)

2  Heindl A, Seewald A.K., Schepelmann M, Rogojanu R, Bises G, Thalhammer T and Ellinger I. A novel nucleus-based classifier for discrimination of osteoclasts and mesenchymal precursor cells in mouse bone marrow cultures. WASET 2012 67: 745-750

1 Heindl A, Dekan S, Ellinger I, Seewald AK. Towards a versatile automated cell-detection system for science and diagnostics. Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2010;2010:3045-8. doi:10.1109/IEMBS.2010.5626140. PubMed PMID: 21095731.

Challenge contributions 

1 Wang C, Mahbod A, Ellinger I, Galdran A, Gopalakrishnan S, Niezgoda J, Yu Z, 
FUSeg: The Foot Ulcer Segmentation Challenge. Resulting from the Foot Ulcer Segmentation challenge (FUSeg) organized in conjunction with the 2021 International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI). arXiv:2201.00414 [eess.IV]


11 Fontanot A, Ellinger I, Unger WWJ, Hays JP. A Comprehensive Review of Recent Research into the Effects of Antimicrobial Peptides on Biofilms—January 2020 to September 2023. Antibiotics. 2024; 13(4):343.

10 Schernhammer ES, Klösch G, Ellinger I, Winkler D, Winkler-Pjrek E, Jordakieva G, Papantoniou K, Strohmaier S, Lell B, Waldhauser F. The history of circadian rhythm research in Austria. Wien Klin Wochenschr. 2024 Apr;136(7-8):209-214. doi: 10.1007/s00508-023-02199-z. Epub 2023 May 31.

9 Gundacker C, Ellinger I. The unique applicability of the human placenta to the Adverse Outcome Pathway (AOP) concept: the placenta provides fundamental insights into human organ functions at multiple levels of biological organization. Reprod Toxicol. 2020 Aug 5;96:273-281. doi:10.1016/j.reprotox.2020.07.014. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 32768559.

8  Chatuphonprasert W, Jarukamjorn K, Ellinger I. Physiology and Pathophysiology  of Steroid Biosynthesis, Transport and Metabolism in the Human Placenta. Front Pharmacol. 2018 Sep 12;9:1027. doi: 10.3389/fphar.2018.01027. eCollection 2018. Review. PubMed PMID: 30258364; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC6144938.

7  Ellinger I. The Calcium-Sensing Receptor and the Reproductive System. Front Physiol. 2016 Aug 30;7:371. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2016.00371. eCollection 2016. Review. PubMed PMID: 27625611; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC5003915.

6  Gundacker C, Neesen J, Straka E, Ellinger I, Dolznig H, Hengstschläger M. Genetics of the human placenta: implications for toxicokinetics. Arch Toxicol. 2016 Nov;90(11):2563-2581. doi: 10.1007/s00204-016-1816-6. Epub 2016 Sep 6. PMID: 27600793.

5  Pietschmann P, Mechtcheriakova D, Meshcheryakova A, Föger-Samwald U, Ellinger  I. Immunology of Osteoporosis: A Mini-Review. Gerontology. 2016;62(2):128-37. doi: 10.1159/000431091. Epub 2015 Jun 17. Review. PubMed PMID: 26088283; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4821368.

4  Pietschmann P, Foeger-Samwald U, Ellinger I and Kerschan-Schindl K. Entzuendung und Kochenabbau. Rheumatoide Arthritis. Osteologie 2014 Volumen 23/Heft 3:173-178. 

3  Ellinger I, Fuchs R. HFcRn-mediated transplacental immunoglobulin G transport: protection of and threat to the human fetus and newborn. Wien Med Wochenschr. 2012 May;162(9-10):207-13. doi: 10.1007/s10354-012-0085-0. Review. PubMed PMID: 22717875.

2  Fuchs R, Ellinger I. Endocytic and transcytotic processes in villous syncytiotrophoblast: role in nutrient transport to the human fetus. Traffic. 2004 Oct;5(10):725-38. doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0854.2004.00221.x. PMID: 15355509.

1   Praetor A, Ellinger I, Fuchs R, and Hunziker W: Transcytosis of Immunoglobulin G. Protoplasma 2000 21(3-4):134-139.

Periodicals and book chapters 

8  I. Ellinger and W. Chatuphonprasert: Cholesterol and early development. In: CHOLESTEROL: from Chemistry and Biophysics to the Clinic; Ed. Anna Bukiya, PhD and Alex Dopico, MD, PhD. Elsevier, 2022

7  A. Heindl, M. Schepelmann, R. Nica, R. Ecker, P.Pietschmann,  A. K. Seewald, T. Thalhammer and I. Ellinger : Towards the automated detection and characterization of osteoclasts in microscopic images (pp 31-57). In: Principles of Osteoimmunology. Molecular Mechanisms and Clinical Applications; Ed. P. Pietschmann, Wien: Springer- International Publishing, 2016

6  C. Aurich and I. Ellinger. Comparative Medicine, Anatomy and Physiology, chapter 12: Mammalian Reproduction. Springer, 2014 

5  I. Ellinger and A. Ellinger. Comparative Medicine, Anatomy and Physiology, chapter 2: Cell Biology. Springer, 2014

4  A. Heindl, M. Schepelmann, R. Ecker, P.Pietschmann, I. Ellinger, A. K. Seewald and T. Thalhammer: Towards the automated detection and characterization of osteoclasts in microscopic images. In: Principles of Osteoimmunology. Molecular Mechanisms and Clinical Applications; Ed. P. Pietschmann, Wien: Springer-Verlag, 2011

3  I. Ellinger, A. Ellinger, K. Leitner, B. Busch, B. Exner, K.-P. Zimmer and R. Fuchs (2006): IgG transport across epithelia mediated by the human neonatal Fc-receptor, hFcRn. In: The brush border membrane – from molecular cell biology to clinical pathology; Eds. H.Y. Naim and K.-P. Zimmer, Heilbronn: SPS Verlagsgesellschaft

2  Fuchs R, Ellinger I. Free-flow electrophoretic analysis of endosome subpopulations of rat hepatocytes. Curr Protoc Cell Biol. 2002 May;Chapter 3:Unit 3.11. doi: 10.1002/0471143030.cb0311s14. PubMed PMID: 18228402.

1  K.J.M. Zaal, I. Stefaner, L. Gajdzig, J. Graf, D. Hoekstra, R. Fuchs: Hepatic handling of a fluorescent phospholipid analog. In: K. Zaal, Lipid trafficking in polarized hepatocytes (Groningen, The Netherlands), 1995

Guest Editorials

4  Guest Editor of specific issue. Mahbod A, Ellinger I. Special Issue on “Advances in Skin Lesion Image Analysis Using Machine Learning Approaches”. Diagnostics. 2022; 12(8):1928. 

3  Guest Editor of specific issue. Ellinger I, Pietschmann P. Endocytosis in health and disease-a thematic issue  dedicated to Renate Fuchs. Wien Med Wochenschr. 2016 May;166(7-8):193-5. doi: 10.1007/s10354-016-0454-1. PubMed PMID: 27165702. 

2  Guest Editor of specific issue. Ellinger I, Pietschmann P. Toward new targets for the diagnosis and treatment  of malignant diseases: thematic issue dedicated to Theresia Thalhammer. Wien Med  Wochenschr. 2014 Nov;164(21-22):447-9. doi: 10.1007/s10354-014-0334-5. PubMed PMID: 25427991.

1  Guest Editor of specific issue. Ellinger I. Editorial: the multifaceted human placenta - update on an amazing  organ. Wien Med Wochenschr. 2012 May;162(9-10):184-6. doi: 10.1007/s10354-012-0084-1. PubMed PMID: 22717870.

Link to Pubmed for I. Ellinger

Link to Pubmed for I. Stefaner


  • Isabella Ellinger, Adolf Ellinger (2024-07-15). Cell City - What goes on in the cell. Lecture Children's University Vienna. Medical University of Vienna/AKH, Vienna, Austria.
  • Isabella Ellinger, Jose Basilio, Maria Butylina, Karoline Elsenhuber, Sabine Flicker, Lina Fuchs, Katharina Gelles, Sarah Guttmann, Muhammad Khalil, Katarina Milanovic, Barbara Pranz, Katharina Wahl, Julian Weiß, and Ines Zettl (2023-07-18). What does Daniel Gearloose do? This is how a researcher works. Workshop Children's University Vienna. Medical University of Vienna/ AKH, Vienna.
  • Isabella Ellinger, Jose Basilio, Adolf Ellinger, Aleksandra Fesiuk, Martin Schepelmann  (MedUni Vienna) and Victoria Podgorzak, Sebastian Podgorzak, Leon Kirsanov, Balasz Erdi (TissueGnostics GmbH)(2024-05-24). Targeting cancer stem cells. Long night of research. Medical University of Vienna. AKH, Vienna.


  • Isabella Ellinger (2023-11-29). BRG BORG St. Pölten, Schulring 16, 3100 St. Pölten „How to become a cell biologist“ and "Functions of the human placenta"
  • Isabella Ellinger, Adolf Ellinger (2023-07-18). Cell City - What goes on in the cell. Lecture Children's University Vienna. Medical University of Vienna/AKH, Vienna, Austria.
  • Prajakta Ashok Belekar, Isabella Ellinger, Katharina Gelles, Valeriya Gushchina, Maria-Christine Mautner, Amelie Marie Millonig, Karina Piatek, Sarah Stadlmayr, Hannah Szirtes, Sara Vernay, Katharina Wahl and Julian Weiß (2023-07-21). What does Daniel Gearloose do? This is how a researcher works. Workshop Children's University Vienna. Medical University of Vienna/ AKH, Vienna.
  • Isabella Ellinger, (IPA), Georg Dorffner (Institute for Artificial Intelligence) and Felicitas Mungenast, Karly Briffa and Rupert Ecker (TissueGnostics GmbH)(2023-06-07). Summerschool for pupils of the German Student Scholarship / Roland Berger Foundation. TissueGnostics, Vienna.
  • Isabella Ellinger (2023-11-22 + 2023-11-25). On-line lecture "Cell biology", part 1 +2 for high school students as part of the German Student Scholarship / Roland Berger Foundation. Lehrer- Wirthstr. 4, 81829 Munich, Germany.
  • Isabella Ellinger (2023-11-29). BRG BORG St. Pölten, Schulring 16, 3100 St. Pölten „How to become a cell biologist“ and "developmental origins of health and disease"


  • Isabella Ellinger (2022-12-13). On-line lecture "How to become a cell biologist" for lower school students as part of the German Student Scholarship / Roland Berger Foundation. Lehrer-Wirthstr. 4, 81829 Munich, Germany.
  • Isabella Ellinger (2022-11-14 + 2022-11-18). On-line lecture "Cell biology", part 1 +2 for high school students as part of the German Student Scholarship / Roland Berger Foundation. Lehrer- Wirthstr. 4, 81829 Munich, Germany.
  • Isabella Ellinger, Amirreza Mahbod (IPA), Marcel Koseler, Georg Dorffner (Institute for Artificial Intelligence) and Felicitas Mungenast, Victoria Podgorzak, Mihriban Kilic (TissueGnostics GmbH) (2022- 09-09 - 2022-09-11). Artificial intelligence for histological image analysis. Vienna Research Festival. City Hall, Vienna, Austria.
  • Isabella Ellinger, Adolf Ellinger (2022-07-21). Cell City - What goes on in the cell. Lecture Children's University Vienna. Medical University of Vienna/AKH, Vienna, Austria.
  • Isabella Ellinger, Katharina Gelles, Maria Butylina, Felicitas Mungenast, Katharina Wahl-Figlash, Rumsha Khan, Anna-Maria Prandstetter, Valeriya Gushchina, Helena Hesselbach, Maria Chiara Kaeser Casper Maerschand (2022-07-19). What does Daniel Gearloose do? This is how a researcher works. Workshop Children's University Vienna. Medical University of Vienna/ AKH, Vienna.
  • Isabella Ellinger, Amirreza Mahbod, Katharina Gelles, Anna-Maria Prandstetter (IPA), Georg Dorffner (Institute for Artificial Intelligence) and Felicitas Mungenast, Victoria Podgorzak, Mihriban Kilic (TissueGnostics GmbH)(2022-05-20). Artificial intelligence for histological image analysis. Long night of research. Medical University of Vienna. AKH, Vienna.


  • Isabella Ellinger (2021-11-22 + 25). On-line presentation “Cell Biology, part 1+2” for recipients of the Else Kroener Fellowship / Roland Berger Stiftung. Lehrer-Wirthstr. 4, 81829 Munich, Germany.


  • Isabella Ellinger (2020-11-06 + 09). On-line presentation “Cell Biology, part 1+2” for recipients of the Else Kroener Fellowship / Roland Berger Stiftung. Lehrer-Wirthstr. 4, 81829 Munich, Germany.
  • Isabella Ellinger (2020-05-23). On-line presentation “The placenta - the versatile organ at the beginning of our life” for recipients of the Else Kroener Fellowship / Roland Berger Stiftung. Lehrer-Wirthstr. 4, 81829 Munich, Germany.
  • Isabella Ellinger (2020-01-30). “The importance of the human Placenta”. Participating in the ScienceDay as a Young Science Ambassador. Hertha Firnberg Schulen für Wirtschaft und Tourismus, Firnbergplatz 1, 1220 Vienna, Austria.


  • Isabella Ellinger (2019-05-06). “How to become a Cell Biologist” and “Genetics and Epigenetics”.  Attending school as a Young Science Ambassador. BORG Hegelgasse 12, 1010 Vienna, Austria.
  • Isabella Ellinger, Enikö Kallay, Andrea Kolbus, Johannes Angerer, Elisabeth Förster-Waldl (2019-04-25) "Wiener Töchtertag" Medical University Vienna
  • Isabella Ellinger (2019-04-10). “How to become a Cell Biologist” and “Genetics and Epigenetics”. Attending school as a Young Science Ambassador. Gymnasium Gross Enzersdorf, Freiherr von Smolastraße 3, 2301 Groß Enzersdorf, Austria.
  • Isabella Ellinger (2019-01-28) “How to become a Cell Biologist” and “Genetics and Epigenetics”. Attending school as a Young Science Ambassador. Mary Ward Gymnasium / Oberstufenrealgymnasium, St.Pölten, Schneckgasse 3, 3100 St. Pölten, Austria.


  • Isabella Ellinger, Ursula Föger-Samwald, Katharina Gelles, Felicitas Mungenast, Martina Salzmann, Katharina Wahl-Figlash, (2018-07-18). What is Gyro Gearloose doing? How scientists do research. Workshop at the Children University, Medical University Vienna.
  • Isabella Ellinger, Adolf Ellinger (2018-07-17). Cell City – What´s up in a cell? Lecture at the Children´s University, Medical University Vienna.
  • Taha & Fatima Elajnaf, Isabella Ellinger, Sabine Flicker, Ursula Föger-Samwald, Katharina Gelles, Rebecca Grüneis, Luca Iamartino, Enikö Kallay, Maria Elena & Maria Chiara & Federico Manfredini, Judit Repas, Martin Schepelmann, Birgit Schwarz, Himadri Bahadur Thapa, Katharina Wahl, Lena Walch, (2018-04-04). Calcium is cool! Long Night of Research. Medical University Vienna.
  • Isabella Ellinger (2018-04-05)  fti...remixed. Dialogue event of the bmvit for students with researchers and developers.
  • Isabella Ellinger (2018-05-03). “How to become a Cell Biologist” and “Developmental Origin of Diseases”. Attending school as a Young Science Ambassador.  Gymnasium Gross Enzersdorf, Freiherr von Smolastraße 3, 2301 Groß Enzersdorf, Austria.


  • Isabella Ellinger, Ursula Foeger-Samwald, Felicitas Mungenast, Katharina Gelles, Katharina Wahl (2017-07-20). What is Gyro Gearloose doing? How scientists do research. Workshop at the Children University, Medical University Vienna.
  • Isabella Ellinger, Adolf Ellinger (2017-07-18). Cell City – What´s up in a cell? Lecture at the Children´s University, Medical University Vienna.
  • Isabella Ellinger (2017-06-22) “How to become a Cell Biologist” and “Developmental Origin of Diseases”.. Attending school as a Young Science Ambassador.  Gymnasium G19, Gymnasiumstraße 83, 1190 Vienna, Austria.
  • Isabella Ellinger, Ursula Foeger-Samwald (2016-03-01). Study - Diploma Thesis - Internship at the Medical University of Vienna: Information on Austria's largest medical training institution. Company fair of the HBLVA for chemical industry, Rosensteingasse, 1170 Vienna, Austria.


  • Isabella Ellinger, Peter Pietschmann, Sandy Schmid, Klaus-Peter Zimmer, Dieter Blaas, Johannnes Schmid (2016-10-07). Role of endosomes in health and disease. Symposium at the Society of Physicians (Gesellschaft der Ärzte), Billrothhaus, Frankgasse 8, 1090 Vienna, Austria.
  • Isabella Ellinger, Felicitas Mungenast, Lukas Klameth Katharina Gelles, Katharina Wahl, Anna Glück  (2016-07-20). What is Gyro Gearloose doing? How scientists do research. Workshop at the Children University, Medical University Vienna.
  • Isabella Ellinger, Adolf Ellinger (2016-07-19). Cell City – What´s up in a cell? Lecture at the Children´s University, Medical University Vienna.
  • Isabella Ellinger (2016-06-15) How to become a Cell Biologist. Job profiles for pupils. Attending school as a Young Science Ambassador.  Vienna International School, Vienna, Austria.
  • Martin Zalaudek (YSA), Isabella Ellinger (2015-06-09/10). Science Ι Art Exhibition 12th YSA Symposion. Medical University Vienna.
  • Isabella Ellinger, Enikö Kallay, Rosalinde Cabuk, Katharina Gelles, Isabella Völkl, Christin Zietz, Werner Kulnig, Georg Steiner, Adolf Ellinger,  (2016-04-22). An image tells more...the microscope in medicine. Long Night of Research. Medical University Vienna.  
  • Isabella Ellinger (2016-03-31) Beitrag zum Radiokolleg - "God doesn't play dice?" Of chance, fate and probability (Part 3). Design: Barbara Zeithammer.
  • Isabella Ellinger, Ursula Foeger-Samwald (2016-03-03). Study - Diploma Thesis - Internship at the Medical University of Vienna: Information on Austria's largest medical training institution. Company fair of the HBLVA for chemical industry, Rosensteingasse, 1170 Vienna, Austria.


  • Isabella Ellinger, Ursula Foeger-Samwald, Katharina Gelles, Katharina Wahl, Andrea Aharanwa, Felix Fey, Fabio Sadkaoui, Julian Kallinger (2015-07-15). What is Gyro Gearloose doing? How scientists do research. Workshop at the Children University, Medical University Vienna.
  • Isabella Ellinger, Adolf Ellinger (2015-07-14). Cell City – What´s up in a cell? Lecture at the Children´s University, Medical University Vienna.
  • Martin Zalaudek (YSA), Isabella Ellinger (2015-06-110/11). Science Ι Art Exhibition 11th YSA Symposion. Medical University Vienna.
  • Isabella Ellinger, (2015-02-19). Study - Diploma Thesis - Internship at the Medical University of Vienna: Information on Austria's largest medical training institution. Company fair of the HBLVA for chemical industry, Rosensteingasse, 1170 Vienna, Austria.
  • Katharina Gelles, Isabella Ellinger (2015-02-12). Forschung am IPA. Video als Beitrag für die Internetseite des BMWFW „Jahr der Forschung“;
  • Peter Pietschmann, Isabella Ellinger, Diana Mechtcheriakova, Renate Fuchs, Walter Jäger, Gerhard Hamilton, Michal Zeman (2015-01-21). From experimental liver pathology to cellular pathophysiology and pharmacodynamics. Symposium at the Society of Physicians (Gesellschaft der Ärzte), Billrothhaus, Frankgasse 8, 1090 Vienna, Austria


  • Isabella Ellinger, Adolf Ellinger (2014-07-14). Cell City – What´s up in a cell? Lecture at the Children´s University, Medical University Vienna.
  • Isabella Ellinger, Ursula Foeger-Samwald, Andreas Maier, Felicitas Mungenast, Yuliya Mytsko, Jost Kemper, Arife Sener, Katharina Wahl (2014-07-14). What is Gyro Gearloose doing? How scientists do research. Workshop at the Children University, Medical University Vienna.
  • Isabella Ellinger, Adolf Ellinger, Georg Steiner, Werner Kulnig, Yuliya Mytsko, Andreas Maier (2014-04-04). From the Reading Stone to the Modern Microscope: Microscopic Research and Teaching in the Digital Age. Long Night of Research. Medical University Vienna.
  • Claudia Gundacker, Martin Reiter, Stefan Grbic, Renate Hofer, Jost Kemper, Isabella Ellinger (2014-04-04). Quecksilber: von Alchemie und Industrie. Wie der Mensch die Umwelt beeinflusst und dadurch sich selbst gefährdet. Long Night of Research. Medical University Vienna.
  • Isabella Ellinger, Adolf Ellinger (2014-04-04). Cell City – What´s up in a cell? Lecture at the Children´s University, Long Night of Research, Medical University Vienna.
  • Isabella Ellinger (2014-02-23). "Gummibärchen mit Rückstoß und blaues Rotkraut." Forschen und experimentieren wie Daniel Düsentrieb. Radiointerview OE1 Kinderuni;


  • Isabella Ellinger, Adolf Ellinger (2013-07-10). Cell City – What´s up in a cell? Lecture at the Children´s University, Medical University Vienna.
  • Isabella Ellinger, Ursula Foeger-Samwald, Agnes Voss, Jost Kemper, Stefan Grbic, Renate Hofer, Michaela Jungmann, Jennifer Birkner, Hana Uher (2013-07-11). What is Gyro Gearloose doing? How scientists do research. Workshop at the Children University, Medical University Vienna.
  • Isabella Ellinger (2013-02-18 – 02-22). I feel good: on the trail of the indoor climate. Project week for elementary school students, Volksschule Julius Meindlgasse 1-3, 1160 Vienna, Austria.


  • Isabella Ellinger, Adolf Ellinger (2012-07-10). Cell City – What´s up in a cell? Lecture at the Children´s University, Medical University Vienna.
  • Isabella Ellinger, Andreas Heindl, Pia Habringer, Martin Schaffhauser, Stefan Grbic, Christoph Pozdena, Michaela Jungmann, Lena Kuhn, Ester Maria Gonzales Sanchez, Hana Uher (2012-07-11). What is Gyro Gearloose doing? How scientists do research. Workshop at the Children University, Medical University Vienna.
  • Isabella Ellinger, Andreas Heindl (2012-04-27). A new vista on diseases. Long Night of Research. Medical University Vienna.


  • Isabella Ellinger (2011-12-07). Research with all senses. Workshop for elementary school students, Volksschule Julius Meindlgasse 1-3, 1160 Vienna, Austria.
  • Isabella Ellinger, Andreas Heindl, Giovanna Bises, Hana Uher, Alexander K. Seewald (2011-10-07). A new vista on diseases. Science dabei. Medical University Vienna.
  • Isabella Ellinger, Adolf Ellinger (2011/07). Cell City – What´s up in a cell? Lecture at the Children´s University, Medical University Vienna.
  • Isabella Ellinger (2012-05-02). Job Description Scientist & Cell City. Workshop for elementary school students, Volksschule Hauptstrasse 22, A-3423 Kritzendorf, Austria.
  • Isabella Ellinger (2012-02-18). JJob Description Scientist & Cell City. Workshop for elementary school students. Volksschule Julius Meindlgasse 1-3, 1160 Vienna, Austria.


  • Isabella Ellinger, Adolf Ellinger (2010/07). Cell City – What´s up in a cell? Lecture at the Children´s University, Medical University Vienna.


  • Isabella Ellinger, Adolf Ellinger (2009/07). Cell City – What´s up in a cell? Lecture at the Children´s University, Medical University Vienna.


  • Isabella Ellinger, Adolf Ellinger (2008/07). Cell City – What´s up in a cell? Lecture at the Children´s University, Medical University Vienna.


  • Isabella Ellinger, Adolf Ellinger (2007/07). Cell City – What´s up in a cell? Lecture at the Children´s University, Medical University Vienna.


  • Isabella Ellinger, Adolf Ellinger (2006/07). Cell City – What´s up in a cell? Lecture at the Children´s University, Medical University Vienna.


  • Isabella Ellinger, Adolf Ellinger (2005/07). Cell City – What´s up in a cell? Lecture at the Children´s University, Medical University Vienna.


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Zelluläre und Molekulare Pathophysiologie
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