Arbeitsgruppe Molekulare Systembiologie und Pathophysiologie

Das Hauptforschungsziel der MSBP Group ist es, das Wissen über zelluläre Checkpoints zu erweitern, die das physiologisch ausgeglichene System auf pathologische Zustände umlenken, die zur Entwicklung und Progression multifaktorieller Erkrankungen wie abberante Immunität, chronischer Entzündung und Krebs führen.
Unsere wissenschaftlichen Schwerpunkte sind Systembiologie und Systemmedizin im Rahmen des globalen Konzepts der personalisierten Medizin, B-Zell-Biologie und Immunonkologie. Besondere Interessen beziehen sich auf die AID/APOBEC-assoziierten biologischen Ereignisse; Komplexität und Funktionalität lymphoider Strukturen; Entwicklung integrativer systembiologischer Algorithmen in einem Prozess der Entdeckung neuer krankheits-/immunassoziierter Checkpoints und Stratifizierungsstrategien für Patient:innen und das zelluläre Sphingolipid/Lysophosphatidat-System bei der Immunität und Krebs.
Molecular Systems Biology and Pathophysiology Group

The main research goal of MSBP Group is to expand the knowledge on cellular checkpoints, which redirect the physiologically balanced system towards pathological situations leading to development and progression of multifactorial diseases such as aberrant immunity, chronic inflammation and cancer.
Our scientific directions are systems biology and systems medicine as part of the global concept of personalized medicine, B-cell biology, and immuno-oncology. Special interests refer to the AID/APOBEC-associated biological events; architectural complexity and functionality of ectopic lymphoid structures, producing memory B cells and plasma cells; developing of integrative systems biology-based algorithms in a process of discovery of novel disease-/immune-associated checkpoints and patients’ stratification strategies; and the cellular sphingolipid/lysophosphatidate system in immunity and cancer.
Kontakt / Contact
Zelluläre und Molekulare Pathophysiologie
Tel.: +43 (0)1 40400-28600
Leiterin der Forschungsgruppe „Molekulare Systembiologie und Pathophysiologie“ am Institut für Pathophysiologie und Allergieforschung, Leiterin der Abteilung Grundlagen- & Translationale Forschung der Österreichischen Plattform für Personalisierte Medizin und Leiterin der Technologieuntereinheit „Tissue Image Cytometry“ der BioImaging Austria.
Administrative Assistentin
Zelluläre und Molekulare Pathophysiologie
Tel.: +43 (0)1 40400-56940
Mag.a rer.nat. PhD
Zelluläre und Molekulare Pathophysiologie
Tel.: +43 (0)1 40400-28600
MSBP Gallery
- Katarina Milanovic, TissueFAXS Operator
- Simon Obertegger, Bachelor student
- Serhii Bohdan, Medical Diploma Student
- Felicitas Mungenast, PhD Student
- Martina Salzmann, BMA, TissueFAXS Operator
- Andrej Milovanovic, Bachelor Student
- Tobias Demmer, Bachelor Student
- Anastasiia Marchuk, Bachelor Student
- Magdalena Lang, PhD Student (visiting scientist, MUG)
- Stefania Vintila, Practical Trainee
- Denis Piccolo, Diploma Student
- Katarina Milanovic, Bachelor Student
- Jasko Saikanovic, Bachelor Student
- Eva Maxymovitz, Bachelor Student
- Hannah Teuchmann, Bachelor Student
- Carina Weninger, Diploma Student
- Kristina Hofer, Bachelor Student
- Susanne Wöhrer, Diploma Student
- Elfi Scharf, Diploma Student
- Tamara Kaufmann, Diploma Student
- Nadja Seidl, Bachelor Student
- Martin Svoboda, Postdoc
- Erika Bajna, TissueFAXS Operator
- 2024 - 2026
WWTF Life Sciences 2023 - Understanding Biology with AI/ML
Project number: LS23-006
Project title: “LymphoidStructureMiner: AI-based exploration of the immunological contexture of lymphoid structures in translational research”
PI: Diana Mechtcheriakova (Medical University of Vienna)
Co-PI: Anastasia Meshcheryakova (Medical University of Vienna)
Co-PI: Amirreza Mahbod (Danube Private University)
Planned project start: June 2024
Link to project homepage - 2023 - 2024
Medical Scientific Fund of the Mayor of the City of Vienna
Project number: 23065
Project title: "RNA-binding proteins as novel effectors in osteoclasts and osteoblasts: a systems biology approach to dissect the transcriptional road map"
First-author/Co-PI: Anastasia Meshcheryakova
Co-PI: Diana Mechtcheriakova
Co-PI/Applicant: Peter Pietschmann - 2020 - 2022
Medical Scientific Fund of the Mayor of the City of Vienna
Special Topic: SARS-CoV-2 / COVID-19
Project number: COVID043
Project title: "Tracing antiviral AID/APOBEC Family in coronavirus-targeted tissues and cells: a Systems biology-based study"
First-author/Co-PI: Anastasia Meshcheryakova
Co-PI: Diana Mechtcheriakova
Co-PI/Applicant: Peter Pietschmann - 2017 - 2019
The Austrian Central Bank (OeNB)
Project number: 17278
Project title: "B cell-attributed immune checkpoints at the tumor site"
PI: Diana Mechtcheriakova - 2011 - 2016
FWF - the Austrian Science Fund
Project number: P 23228-B19
Project title: "Definition of novel breakpoints in the sphingolipid machinery associated with malignancy"
PI: Diana Mechtcheriakova - 2010 - 2014
FWF - the Austrian Science Fund
Project number: P 22441-B13
Project title: "Activation induced cytidine deaminase: from immunity to cancer"
PI: Diana Mechtcheriakova
Austrian Platform for Personalized Medicine
Österreichische Plattform für Personalisierte Medizin (ÖPPM)
Diana Mechtcheriakova: Head of the Basic and Tranlational Research Unit
Anastasia Meshcheryakova: Head of Systems Medicine Subunit
Link to ÖPPM homepage -
Austrian Bioimaging
Diana Mechtcheriakova: Head of technology subunit Tissue Image Cytometry
Link to Austrian Bioimaging homepage -
International Sphingolipid Society / The Sphingolipid Club
Diana Mechtcheriakova: National Delegates Board member as representative of Austria
Link to International Sphingolipid Society homapge