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Shinya Sakaguchi erhält ein Principal Investigator Projekt des österreichischen Wissenschaftsfonds FWF

Shinya Sakaguchis Forschungsprojekt "Role of PATZ1 for memory CD8+ T cell differentiation" wurde vom österreichischen Wissenschaftsfonds FWF zur Förderung bewilligt.

Elucidation of the role of a transcriptional regulator in immunological memory

In this new project, Sakaguchi Group will elucidate molecular mechanisms of how our immune system responds more rapidly and effectively to pathogens that we have encountered previously, widely known as “immunological memory”. The group will particularly focus on transcriptional and epigenetic regulations underlying the subset diversity of memory CD8+ T cells, which has a profound impact on memory responses. This project will thereby contribute to the better understanding of T cell-mediated immunological memory, a cardinal feature of our immune system. Moreover, in the long run, the study might open up a new avenue for vaccine and immunotherapies against infections and cancers. The project will be conducted in close collaboration with the following institutions.

  • Dr. Iros Barozzi (Medical University of Vienna, Center for Cancer Research, Vienna, Austria)
  • Dr. Davide Seruggia (St. Anna Children’s Cancer Research Institute, Vienna, Austria)
  • Dr. Tilmann Buerckstuemmer (Myllia Biotechnology, Vienna, Austria)

More information about Sakaguchi Group:

Shinya Sakaguchi | Linkedin:



  • Project title: Role of PATZ1 for memory CD8+ T cell differentiation
  • Responsible principal investigator: Shinya Sakaguchi
  • Grant from the Austrian Science Fund (FWF), Project no. PAT 3366823
  • Duration: 48 months
  • Funding volume: € 694,685